Today I admit to these two "Sins".
The Sin Of Watching Women Smoke
Despite how much I hate smoke and smoking, I absolutely enjoy watching(from a distance) beautiful ladies smoke,may be i should be specific and say cigarettes. I really don't know or see what attract me to this unhealthy fetish so don't ask why.
The Sin Of Enjoying Public Chaos
Next is public chaos or crisis.Whenever i come across a controversy in the streets,as long as am not involved, i ensure am the last person to leave the stage of the scene.I love when something is wrong,when guys are rubbing shoulders and hating on each other in public.
I take it as a learning process or an eye opener if such a situation will come to me one day. More-so, I can defend myself and say its because i am a scriptwriter and such tensing scenes attracts writers minds and eyes.
Maybe you have been warned before,but that won't stop me from cautioning you again and again of this Three card games in Nairobi streets famously known as pata potea.For the last two weekends i have been following this guys and i can assure you this is total day robbery.
May i push it to your mind that in this city,there is no and there will never be any simple way or formulae to double your cash or make you rich in a day or few hours,even hard work which my primary school motto used to say pays, has disappointed many
I have watched a number passerby get tricked and loose big amount of money in the name of gambling and doubling what they have. I cant tell clearly tell how once fall for the trick but i tend to think there is more than normal enticement.Kenyans get tricked one after the other throughout the day as the tricksters celebrate their easy, Tax free cash.
How Gamblers of Nairobi Make Money
You are walking on the streets and you find a group of people surrounding a make-shift carton table and their 'master/mistress' in the middle.The members scooping cash and 'winning' big .
As you pass by, One card they are using is dropped and you are urged to help them collect,with your good,helping heart you collect it and hand it to them and in return they thank you giving you a two hundred Kenya shillings note (appreciation fee) and that's how you get confused and join the game willingly. This trick has been linked to witchcraft or other for of dark force which block the mind forcing you to do as they tell you.
They will let you win the first and the second game,they will give you hail of praise of how lucky you are,then convince you to give all the money you have so that you can harvest big now everyone around is encouraging you to give it a try.
Its then that you are declared to have lost and they urge you tell you to leave,if you disagree,they fold up ready to leave and in case you insist to get back your money,their 'security' appears from nowhere and you will be mugged and loose everything else on you.
Surprisingly, the men in blue in patrol watch and walk away and no action taken,maybe this is an allowed illegality that we have to live with.
Take Care
'Potea kabla pesa yako ipotee'...Run before you loose your money.
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