This is one of those days when writing is a bit complicated, Following the devastating news of Alshabaab storming in Garissa university college and taking hostage of our beloved students.
At least 15 have been reported dead and over 65 were hospitalised from the attack. 550 people are uncounted for at the campus that had about 815 students
Dear God
The enemy has already declared himself, He has even warned us that we will be surprised when we realised the number of the student killed inside the be sincere, We are worried.
On my part, No matter how strong I want to be strong, I must admit its getting me down. Every time this terrorist injure my fellow country men and women, My heart is injured. Every time they attack and kill my fellow citizen and people of my spirit, My spirit die. I feel been pain, Which kills me little by little
I have never known what their objective have been, But when their bomb the civilians,when our innocent are held hostage ,when we are hijacked and killed defencelessly, we are lost and left of fear. We feel slaves
We feel the enemy is taking over,
The enemy is slowly winning
And all we can ask is you to take Charge like you used to do in the days of Moses..Punish those who fight us, Protect us lord
Just all I can write for now
Peace be with us
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