Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Power of Willing Hearts And The Spirit of Harambee

We all recall, the big legendary names; of people who chose to pay the demanding price, not from their own demands but for the deficient and feeble ones. From resources to self-sacrifice; all in the name of salvaging the needy and laying platforms to a better nation or world as every soul would wish for. What defines a legend??? It may be a question with many pronunciations...to some people who hailed special and extra-ordinal hearts....perhaps little good gods. 

Have you read about these great men and women...?? or else have you heard of them and their extreme passion for what they believed in?? If not, take some time online or other archives. The likes of Professor Wangari Maathai who believed in environmental conservation, Nelson Mandela who fought through resilience...fighting for the rights of poor through unity and love for all, the Henry Jean Dunant; founder of the world's largest humanitarian organization...Red Cross aiming to alleviate suffering of the underprivileged, Bloomberg; former New York Mayor currently supporting the fight against Road Crash Deaths in LMICs through funding, Dr.  Griffins the father of Starehe Boys Centre among other dignified people whose lives left marks behind. It takes heart, it takes great devotion ...it takes self sacrifice for the sake of others. Starting with an icon of hope...and slowly beckoning great shift of aspects through positive initiatives they tired not pushing and pushing, until their desired change is realized. Of course not after a day but a good time worth reward...even Rome was not built in a day. This could the difference between what pushed them and our lazy souls, spirits and bodies. For many sing change...preach change, but the irony of it all that they are never part of change, neither do they participate in cultivating change. These are the most dangerous kind of people any particular country would wish to have...had it been optional.  

The great former Kenyan president; Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi sang the song of "ukikata mmoja panda miwili" a slogan that had fought quench for good climate and environment by planting two trees whenever one cut a single trees. It was a voluntary call and could we have heeded. Many Salutes to the few that took up the initiative of tree planting that Prof. Wangari Maathai campaigned and fought for for many years. It was a worthy sacrifice as denoted by the Nobel Peace Prize presenters. Hardly did she know that her efforts would roar the whole world for decades. Going green through the green belt movement and other environmental friendly practices had always been the tone of her tongue, heart and hands. May Lord salvage her heroic soul to eternity. Long live the green nature ideologies; for the world and country owes her a lot. A long-time due though her soul lied cold on her eternal bed. 

You sing of that neighbour who paid school fees for your child. That philanthropist who funded a health facility to your ailing community...the young man who led others in clearing heaps of garbage at your estate???? But where do you put your defination..???  It’s not superstitious, it not supernatural...it takes a positive willing heart. When this is found, change is never far. It is no longer impossible. Not to the few, but to anyone who believes in change. 

Article by: Joel Njoroge (Daddy Poet)
Poet, Author and Community Development Specialist

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